
Ever feel like you've got the weight of the whole world on your shoulder? And you feel like all you want to do is run, far away from all your problems and people that are making you unhappy? Feeling like you're alone in this and everything feels like it's entirely too much? 

Believe me, you're not alone in this. But knowing that also doesn't help does it? Do you know what will though? Let me just tell you, everything will be okay. It might not be right this moment, it might not even be tomorrow, or the week after, but it definitely will be okay. Do you know why? Simply because everyday you don't give up and don't give in, you're becoming stronger. 

Here's a little fact about life - It sucks sometimes. Really, it does. And we get hurt, and we face situations that break us down. And we think, surely there's no way out of this, surely it can't get better. But those thoughts are just in your own head. The second you control your thoughts and think, 'You know what, I can do this, it's not going to be easy, it might even be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I've got this and I'm going to make it through it', your whole perspective on things will begin to change. 

It's up to you to change your 'I can't' to 'I can.' Because you can. 

First lesson to getting through a tough time to is to stop feeling sorry about ourselves and blaming everyone else for how things have turned out. We can't change other people, but we can change ourselves for the better. Things that happen to us don't change, but we are the ones solely responsible for controlling how we face a situation. 

One thing to remember is that everyone copes with a situation differently. I break down sometimes, I cry. I write, like I am right now, and sometimes I just go for a drive to clear my head. Whatever you do to face a situation is okay. It's okay to be weak, because your strength comes from it. How can you possibly know what strength even is, if you don't let yourself be weak? But weakness is not the same thing as feeling sorry for ourselves though. 

What you need to know is that we can't be upset about things that are not within our control. The only thing we can control is ourselves, and that's exactly what we should do. We also can't expect immediate results. Facing a situation and healing is going to take some time. And that's okay. Because like I said, the longer it takes, the tougher you become. 

The next time you feel weak, or feeling like the whole world is against you, remember, YOU are not against you. In fact, you are there to pick yourself up. 

You are meant for greatness. Do not let setbacks stand in the way of you being amazing! What you're facing right now is nothing but a moment in time, all part of the journey. You're responsible for getting to the destination you want. And when you do, you'll feel incredible, knowing you passed a whole lot of hurdles and challenges to get there. You'll appreciate it a whole lot more, knowing things weren't easy. 

Believe me, you've got this. So take a breath, and get ready to face the world. It's been waiting for you to unleash your inner power. It's been waiting for you to make a difference. 

Right this moment, you have inside of you, everything you need to do deal with whatever the world can throw at you. 

So go out there, and show them what you can do. 

Image source: Pinterest

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